Dosen di Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto, dalam bidang Biokimia. Mata kuliah yang diampu antara lain: Biokimia, Toksikologi, Metodologi Penelitian, dan Biosensor.
Profesor Amin Fatoni adalah seorang ahli terkemuka dalam bidang biosensor, biokimia enzim, dan teknologi hijau. Beliau menyelesaikan pendidikan sarjana di bidang Kimia dari Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), meraih gelar magister di bidang Biokimia dari Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), dan mendapatkan gelar doktor di bidang Kimia dari Prince of Songkla University Thailand. Penelitian Profesor Fatoni berfokus pada pengembangan dan aplikasi biosensor, terutama yang berbasis pada urease dan glukosa, serta aplikasi nanoteknologi dalam pengembangan biosensor dan material fungsional lainnya.
Dalam 10 tahun terakhir, Profesor Fatoni telah menerbitkan berbagai penelitian yang menonjolkan inovasinya dalam bidang biosensor dan teknologi ramah lingkungan. Karya-karyanya meliputi pengembangan biosensor glukosa menggunakan nanopartikel Chitosan–Fe3O4, metode non-invasif untuk diagnosis jaundice neonatal menggunakan kamera smartphone, dan berbagai studi mengenai isolasi, imobilisasi, dan karakterisasi enzim urease dari berbagai sumber tanaman. Kontribusinya tidak hanya dalam penelitian, tetapi juga dalam pengembangan bahan ajar dan aplikasi teknologi dalam pengawetan makanan, menunjukkan dedikasinya pada pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan pendidikan.
Aktivitas lain sehubungan dengan pengembangan keilmuan adalah aktif sebagai editor jurnal MOLEKUL ( yang sudah terindeks Scopus sejak 2019 dan pada tahun 2022 telah memperoleh peringkat Q3 pada SJR. Selain sebagai editor jurnal, aktif juga sebagai reviewer pada berbagai jurnal internasional.
Publikasi Terkini
Anggraeni, M.D., Setiyani, R., Triyanto, E., Iskandar, A., Nani, D., Fatoni, A.
Exploring the antenatal care challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic in rural areas of Indonesia: a qualitative study
(2023) BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 23 (1), art. no. 179, .
Fatoni, A., Hidayah, V.F., Suyata, Diastuti, H., Anggraeni, M.D.
Chitosan–Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Cryogel for Glucose Biosensor Development
(2023) Science and Technology Indonesia, 8 (1), pp. 52-58.
Fatoni, A., Gusti, G.R., Zusfahair, Anggraeni, M.D., Samanman, S.
A Green Chemistry Approach using Alternanthera brasiliana Extract for Urea Biosensor
(2022) AIP Conference Proceedings, 2553, art. no. 020020, .
Zusfahair, Ningsih, D.R., Fatoni, A., Age, D.I.L., Kurniasih, M.
Immobilization and Characterization of Urease From Phaseolus vulgaris L Using Bentonite Chitosan Matrix
(2022) AIP Conference Proceedings, 2553, art. no. 020044, .
Anggraeni, M.D., Fatoni, A., Rahmawati, E.
Prediction of Bilirubin Concentration using Neonatal Forehead Images
(2022) AIP Conference Proceedings, 2553, art. no. 020026, .
Anggraeni, M.D., Fatoni, A., Rahmawati, E.
Non-invasive Neonatal Jaundice Determination using Smartphone Camera
(2022) AIP Conference Proceedings, 2553, art. no. 020012, .
Hermawan, D., Cacu, Salsabila, K., Suwandri, Fatoni, A., Sulaeman, U., Iswanto, P., Mudasir, M., Aboul-Enein, H.Y.
Chiral Separation of Econazole by High Performance Liquid Chromatography Method using Cyclodextrin as Chiral Column
(2022) Molekul, 17 (2), pp. 252-260.
Anggraeni, M.D., Setiyani, R., Kartikasari, A., Rahmawati, E., Fatoni, A.
Understanding early complementary food practice in rural Indonesia: A qualitative study
(2022) British Journal of Midwifery, 30 (7), pp. 384-394.
Fatoni, A., Widanarto, W., Anggraeni, M.D., Dwiasi, D.W.
Glucose biosensor based on activated carbon – NiFe2O4 nanoparticles composite modified carbon paste electrode
(2022) Results in Chemistry, 4, art. no. 100433, .
Fatoni, A., Wijonarko, A., Anggraeni, M.D., Hermawan, D., Diastuti, H., Zusfahair
Alginate NiFe2O4 nanoparticles cryogel for electrochemical glucose biosensor development
(2021) Gels, 7 (4), art. no. 272, . Cited 2 times.
Anggraeni, M.D., Fatoni, A., Setiyani, R.
Food consumption as a risk factor of anemia among indonesian pregnant women: A cross-sectional study among javanese ethnic group
(2021) Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9 (E), pp. 552-558.
Zusfahair, Fatoni, A., Ningsih, D.R., Riapanitra, A.
Determination of cu and pb concentrations based on urease activity inhibition of durio zibethinus l. Seeds
(2021) Molekul, 16 (2), pp. 92-99. Cited 1 time.
Fatoni, A., Aziz, A.N., Anggraeni, M.D.
Low-cost and real-time color detector developments for glucose biosensor
(2020) Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, 28, art. no. 100325, . Cited 15 times.
Fatoni, A., Zusfahair, Anggraeni, M.D.
Introducing Iron Analysis with Smartphone Camera for High School Students
(2020) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1494 (1), art. no. 012030, .
Hermawan, D., Cacu, Suwandri, Fatoni, A., Mudasir, Aboul-Enein, H.Y.
Application of High Performance Liquid Chromatography Method for Triadimenol Analysis in Water Sample
(2020) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1494 (1), art. no. 012032, . Cited 2 times.
Zusfahair, Ningsih, D.R., Kartika, D., Kurniasih, M., Nofiani, R., Fatoni, A.
Improved reuse and affinity of enzyme using immobilized amylase on alginate matrix
(2020) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1494 (1), art. no. 012028, . Cited 4 times.
Fatoni, A., Supiani, Dwiasi, D.W., Anggraeni, M.D.
Introducing Colorimetric Analysis with Document Scanner for High School Students
(2020) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1494 (1), art. no. 012026, . Cited 1 time.
Amin Fatoni, Anggraeni, M.D., Dwiasi, D.W.
Easy and Low-cost Chitosan Cryogel-based Colorimetric Biosensor for Detection of Glucose
(2019) Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 74 (9), pp. 933-939. Cited 5 times.
Fatoni, A., Anggraeni, M.D., Zusfahair, Zulhidayah, L.Z.
Natural reagent from Secang (Caesalpinia sappan L.) heartwood for urea biosensor
(2019) IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 509 (1), art. no. 012010, . Cited 4 times.
Zusfahair, Ningsih, D.R., Lestari, E.D.P., Fatoni, A.
Development of urea biosensor based on immobilized urease in chitosan cryogel
(2019) Molekul, 14 (1), pp. 64-71. Cited 4 times.
Fatoni, A., Zusfahair, Nurfiah, S., Anggraeni, M.D., Aziz, A.N.
Urea biosensor development using immobilized urease and light dependent resistor
(2019) AIP Conference Proceedings, 2094, art. no. 020021, . Cited 1 time.
Baru, F., Samanman, S., Fatoni, A.
Cryogel based sensor for sodium hydrosulfite determination
(2019) AIP Conference Proceedings, 2094, art. no. 020025, .
Wasito, H., Fatoni, A., Hermawan, D., Susilowati, S.S.
Immobilized bacterial biosensor for rapid and effective monitoring of acute toxicity in water
(2019) Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 170, pp. 205-209. Cited 16 times.
Zusfahair, Ningsih, D.R., Fatoni, A., Pertiwi, D.S.
Determination of Urease Biochemical Properties of Asparagus Bean (Vigna unguiculata ssp sesquipedalis L.)
(2018) IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 349 (1), art. no. 012073, . Cited 5 times.
Fatoni, A., Anggraeni, M.D., Zusfahair, Iqlima, H.
Green Chemistry Glucose Biosensor Development using Etlingera elatior Extract
(2018) IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 299 (1), art. no. 012015, . Cited 1 time.
Zusfahair, Ningsih, D.R., Kartika, D., Fatoni, A., Zuliana, A.L.
Bacillus thuringiensis HCB6 Amylase Immobilization by Chitosan Beads
(2017) IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 172 (1), art. no. 012068, . Cited 5 times.
Anggraeni, M.D., Fatoni, A.
Non-invasive Self-Care Anemia Detection during Pregnancy Using a Smartphone Camera
(2017) IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 172 (1), art. no. 012030, . Cited 17 times.
Fatoni, A., Anggraeni, M.D., Dwiasi, D.W.
Simple colorimetric glucose biosensor using chitosan cryogel supporting material
(2016) AIP Conference Proceedings, 1746, art. no. 020029, . Cited 9 times.
Fatoni, A., Dwiasi, D.W., Hermawan, D.
Alginate cryogel based glucose biosensor
(2016) IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 107 (1), art. no. 012010, . Cited 16 times.
Fatoni, A., Numnuam, A., Kanatharana, P., Limbut, W., Thavarungkul, P.
A novel molecularly imprinted chitosan–acrylamide, graphene, ferrocene composite cryogel biosensor used to detect microalbumin
(2014) Analyst, 139 (23), pp. 6160-6167. Cited 60 times.
Fatoni, A., Numnuam, A., Kanatharana, P., Limbut, W., Thavarungkul, P.
A Conductive Porous Structured Chitosan-grafted Polyaniline Cryogel for use as a Sialic Acid Biosensor
(2014) Electrochimica Acta, 130, pp. 296-304. Cited 36 times.
Fatoni, A., Numnuam, A., Kanatharana, P., Limbut, W., Thammakhet, C., Thavarungkul, P.
A highly stable oxygen-independent glucose biosensor based on a chitosan-albumin cryogel incorporated with carbon nanotubes and ferrocene
(2013) Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 185, pp. 725-734. Cited 82 times.
Fatoni, A., Zusfahair
Thermophilic amylase from Thermus sp. isolation and its potential application for bioethanol production
(2012) Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, 34 (5), pp. 525-531. Cited 7 times.
Fatoni, Amin, Artika, I. M., Hasan A.E.Z., Kuswandi
Antibacterial Activity of Propolis Produced by Trigona spp. Against Campylobacter spp.
(2008) HAYATI Journal of Biosciences, 15 (4), pp. 161-164. Cited 6 times.
S1 Kimia, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman | 2004 |
S2 Biokimia, IPB University | 2008 |
S3 Kimia, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand | 2014 |
Jl. Dr. Seoparno No. 61 Purwokerto Utara - Jawa Tengah, Indonesia (53122)